Hi, I'm Deborah Craig and I'm so happy you're here
You can read more about my journey and how I went from childhood trauma and a standard corporate career to deeply healing myself and changing my career and entire life
I'm just an ordinary girl living my extraordinary life
I hope my story inspires you to take action and live your life fully
My Story
Phase 1
Living in my family didn't feel like that safe space you dream of for a kid. One parent struggled to show emotion and the other was like Jekyl and Hyde. Scanning, keeping the peace, staying small and being an adult were my go to ways to cope until I was 16.
Me, mum and my sisters would stick together because you just never knew what was around the corner. It all ended with divorce , losing our big house and staying in a homeless house for almost a year.
Something snapped inside me at that time and I did everything I could to find a way to secure a beautiful family home., even if we did need to share 2 to a room. The house and the area were perfect and my mum still lives there. She deserved a beautiful home and I believe I manifested the solution to securing it. That's another story.
Phase 2
Mostly having fun, working and having no clue how to become the person I knew I was supposed to be. I pushed people away to test them, I suppressed my emotions, I was insecure and hyper independent. I was confused and so out of balance I ended up with depression. I dreamed of being a social worker or a counsellor but started in secretarial and eventually moved to financial services/sales
Phase 3
I thought I was about to find the right path only to take a huge wrong turn and end up in a chaotic lifestyle with alcohol and substances. You would never know from the outside what was going on because it looked picture perfect on the outside. A flat, a BMW, money, fancy holidays and designer clothes. The mask to hide the fact I was dying inside. Working in corporate constantly looking for my next big break thinking it would be the thing to change life. The high of each promotion lasted less than a month. I basically had a silent breakdown at 28 and stayed in the madness for 10 years. Torturing myself, feeling shame and guilt knowing I wasn't living a life that felt authentic to me
Phase 4
The wakeup call at 39. I knew I could change my life but it would need me to clean up my lifestyle, face my demons, do that inner work and heal myself from the inside out. And so I did.​ It started with changing my habits, who I spent time with and the environments I spent time in. I had hypnotherapy to help me break some bad habits and it showed me how powerful hypnotherapy was. I started meditation classes and went through some deep inner child work helping me move on. It took me a long time to heal because I was doing it myself. I know it doesn't need to be that way - the drive to start a business showing others the way forward to a better life.
During that time I started a Psychology degree with the Open Uni at 39, left corporate 2 years later to immerse myself fully in my new life. I worked with the NHS in mental health and the Third Sector and graduated with a First Class Honours within 4 years. I added my Diploma in Analytical Hypnotherapy that same year and left all 'employed' work for the last time, starting my business in December 2019 and the rest as they say is history!
Phase 5
COVID, started and built a business online to work from anywhere and since 2023 that's been my life. Travel, personal growth, healing and building my business that helps people change their lives
I healed my nervous system and trauma to change my life. You can to.
You can find more information on
- different ways to work with me here
- free hypnosis & joining my tribe here
- free meditation, tips & strategies here